There's something about Park Hill that I can't quite put my finger on, that keeps calling me back. I've done it three times now, none have been easy at all, but I can still see myself hitting it again at some point... Maybe it's the iconic status of the place, or just the cool view from the rooftops. Or maybe it's despite the stupid access, it's always a laugh.
The original plan was to meet up with jw, mstarmatt, aem, Muttley, tablets, and whoever else wanted to come, have a few beers and chill out on the roof. Things being what they are of course, it's impossible to get everyone together at the same time when you need to, and in the end only myself, jazzywheelz and tablets could make it out that particular night.
After various fails, and being chased off by an angry Eastern European chef, around town we took a long walk over to Park Hill, to at least recce the place for any upcoming group visit, should it happen.
With slightly easier access to compound sussed out (Can't remember if jw and Muttley figured that out on a recce themselves or tablets fresh eyes spotted it now!), we decided we may as well make (crawl/climb/stoop/sob) our way to the service tunnels and the roof while we were there.
I didn't bother with many shots, just enjoyed the view.
(For an ace shot of me enjoying said view, check out jw's flickr here.)